A hommage to Kinbaku Lounge in Copenhagen

We are back in Berlin after our Workshop and Intimate Kinbaku Show in Kinbaku Lounge Copenhagen last weekend.

This basement, the “lounge” is a very important place for both of us, for our rope journey. And Scot and Tanja are the friends who were so influential in our journey…

We came here first time in 2015, feeling confused. This 3 days half private tuition – half sleep-over with friends changed everything for us! Alexander took home a set of techniques, and patterns that worked that became his first „safe islands“ in tying. Natasha got important answers about her role in ropes…

After returning home to Berlin – the world was different. Look how happy we are on our first Bondage Picknick after this private with Scot and Tanja.

We kept coming back to Kinbaku Lounge and the community, where we found good friends.


It was Scot and Tanja who encouraged us to dive deeper into Naka Style, and who encouraged us to study with Riccardo and Ale. They were also the ones who encourages us to teach.

In 2017 we participated in our first Workshop with Naka-San and Iroha-San and saw them performing – in Kinbaku Lounge.


In 2018, we met there Sugiura-Sensei and Miho-san, and then again in 2019. There, we started to assist Riccardo – an incredibly valuable experience.

In between, we came to join for Jams and Open Nights.

And every time we didn’t know how to proceed in ropes, Alexander went to Copenhagen, to talk and to listen. Scot and Tanja always had an open ear (and vino) for us.

In August last year, there was time to give back. Natasha build up her courage and made a talk about her personal rope journey. The Q&A took as much time as the speech – a sign the material was well received. And we taught the „Bodies under Pressure“ workshop, for the third time, after Prague and Antwerp. (Check out “Decompressing” to find out, what is this workshop about)

As in Prague and Antwerp, the participants had very good skills, high safety awareness – and an attitude. It made us safe to teach this material.

It was a great weekend. We enjoyed tremendously seeing the participants tying and improving. We enjoyed the loving interactions – and we enjoyed the hospitality and the effort Scot and Tanja put into making us feel at home – as always.

Now, this is already a while ago – August, Summer 2022 feel so far… We came back, invited to teach our interpretation of Semenawa on a more technical, formal basis. There were people who follow us already for a great while – local and international participants. We are back to the basics. It all starts with a Gote (Take Kote, Box tie). There is so much to say, to show, to practice. We aimed to give the participants a solid technical teaching – beyond any dogma. We had patterns emerge. And we worked on torsions, crunches, and twists. It was all about that pivotal points that control the shapes in the air.

We will be back! To learn: in March, to teach, again: in May 06/07. Stay tuned…

Thank you for being there as a solid place for us in our Kinbaku. <3