My offer for Rope Bottoms
Rope bondage is about more than just tying knots – it's about connecting with your body and your deepest impulses. Ideally, we all have the natural ability to listen to our bodies, enjoy what feels right, and communicate non-verbally with our partners. However, many of us have learned to suppress our feelings over time, making it harder to fully embrace the experience.
I'm Natasha NawaTaNeko, the female part of "Discover Kinbaku" and expressing myself in ropes since 2012. I studied...
I’m excited to share my book, Somatics for Rope Bottoms, where I explore the transformative power of somatic approach in the context of rope play. This book is a reflection of my own journey and a decade of experience with rope bottoming, offering practical insights to help you understand your body, enhance your sensations, and deepen your connection to yourself.
Coaching offer
My coaching is designed to help you rediscover that natural wisdom, creating an empowering space for you to trust your body’s cues and deepen your connection to yourself. My focus is on exploring your physical sensations and emotional responses through conscious, safe, and intentional practices.
Whether you're looking to refine your rope bottoming skills, tackle challenges in your rope relationships or communication, or simply need a safe space to reflect, I offer personalized coaching that supports you in your journey. I guide you to listen to your body, to move beyond old habits and learned behaviors, and to bring more awareness to your rope experience, making it safer, more fulfilling, and more attuned to your own desires.
What I Can Help With:
- Physical Safety Concerns: Learning body awareness to address physical discomfort and prevent injuries like nerve damage or circulation issues.
- Consent & Communication: Developing clear boundaries and effective ways to communicate needs, desires and limits, making every scene safer and more enjoyable.
- Trust & Relationships Dynamics: Build trust and mutual respect with your rope partners, navigating roles and expectations in both scenes and everyday life.
- Emotional Aftercare: Manage feelings of vulnerability and subdrop, and learn how to integrate emotional support after intense sessions.
- Performance Anxiety: Overcome pressure to meet expectations, either your own or your partner’s, and feel more confident and relaxed in your practice.
- Physical Limitations: Addressing specific health concerns or physical limitations to adapt your rope experience to your body’s needs.
- Community Dynamics: Navigating the social dynamics of the rope community, helping you connect with others while staying true to your own desires and boundaries.
If this resonates with you and you’re ready to deepen your rope experience, I’m here to guide you.
Online Coaching: 90 Euro / 45 min
Languages: English | German | Russian
My approach is personal and non-dogmatic. There’s no “one right way” in rope bottoming - it’s about finding what works for you. When beneficial, we’ll incorporate somatic exercises such as breathwork, movement, and mindfulness to help you become more in tune with your body.
What other people say…
Ein wunderschöner Ort, stilvoll eingerichtet und bis unter die Dachschrägen voll mit menschlicher Wärme. Wie Natascha und Alexander während der Workshops den Raum mit Kompetenz, Aufmerksamkeit und Präsenz füllen, macht dieses kleine Studio für mich zu einem der wichtigen Orte in Berlin.
Ich kann die Kinbakus Workshops von Alexander und Natasha wärmstens empfehlen. Sie schaffen in ihrem Studio eine wunderschöne, vertrauensvolle Atmosphäre in der gelernt, gelacht und gelitten (gehört beim Kinbaku ja auch dazu...) werden kann. Alexander unterrichtet wirklich toll: ruhig und unaufgeregt, reflektiert und undogmatisch. Die beiden kümmern sich individuell und geduldig um die Bedarfe und Fragen jedes Paars - so nimmt jeder, unabhängig von seiner/ihrer Erfahrung, viel für sich mit. Danke!
Workshops in Kleingruppen, ausreichend Raum für Lehrreiches, und immer auch genügend Raum um neben dem lernen einfach mal etwas Spaß zu haben. Ich freue mich schon auf den nächsten Workshop!
Ich habe an zwei Workshops teilgenommen und kann mich den anderen Bewertungen nur anschließen. Die Atmosphäre und ihr privates Dojo sind wirklich toll und sehr gemütlich. Es wird in einem angenehmen Tempo unterrichtet und das Handout am Ende ist sehr hilfreich. Was bislang noch nicht erwähnt wurde, ist, dass der Stil von Alexander sehr stark von Akira Naka geprägt ist. Dieser Stil wird in letzter Zeit bekannter, unterscheidet sich aber doch in vielen Punkten von dem bekannteren Osada Ryu. Auch dreht sich bei Alexander viel um das Thema Semenawa, was für das Model durchaus sehr herausfordernd und anstrengend sein kann. Auf diesen Stil muss man sich einlassen können und dann lernt man auch viel neues.
Ich habe mehrere Seminare besucht. Sie waren alle sehr informativ und ausgezeichnet vorbereitet. Selbst als erfahrener Rigger und auch als Model kann man dort immer noch etwas lernen. Das gesamte Ambiente ist sehr angenehm und entspannt. Würde ich wieder machen. 10/10.
Hier findet man einen Ort der sich am besten mit „Zu Hause bei Freunden“ beschrieben lässt. Der Raum ist sehr gemütlich und warm, sodass man sich sofort wohlfühlt. Natasha und Alexander sind herzlich und authentisch. Man merkt ihnen ihre Begeisterung für Seile, Fesseln und historische sowie kulturelle Kontexte sofort an. Unterrichtet wird in einem achtsamen Tempo; man kann ohne Zeitdruck das Gezeigt ausprobieren und die beiden jeder Zeit um Rat fragen. Alexander betont stets, dass seine gezeigte Variante EINE Möglichkeit ist zu fesseln und es sich keines Wegs um ein Nonplusultra handelt, sodass hier Platz für individuelle Anpassungen und Abweichungen gegeben ist.
Bei Natasha und Alexander einen Workshop zu besuchen, bedeutet, auf zwei Menschen zu treffen, die eine sehr herzliche und vertraute Atmosphäre schaffen. In ihrem Unterricht vermitteln sie Grundlagentechniken unter dem Aspekt, dass es bei Kinbaku um die Verbindung der Fesselnden geht. Ich besuche ihre Workshops so gerne, weil dort gelacht werden darf, es viel Zeit zum probieren und spielen gibt und meine Fragen mit Geduld und Interesse beantwortet werden.
Für mich, unter allen Möglichkeiten zum fundierten und intensieven Lernen von Kinbaku in Berlin (die ich getestet habe), die beste Wahl! Alles ist anschaulich, ausführlich und verständlich erklärt, die Betreuung der einzelnen Teilnehmer während des Workshops und das Auge für individuelle Schwächen und Anliegen sind einwandfrei. Beide Dozenten sind wunderbar! Sehr aufmerksam und freundlich. Das Studio ist ein super angenehmer Platz zum gemeinsamen Fesseln ... was soll ich sagen? Ich werde mich weiter an die Workshops von Alexander und Natasha halten.
Eine tolle Location, die zum Fesseln geradezu einlädt...und dazu zwei wunderbare Menschen. Wir freuen uns schon auf's nächste Mal.
Warm and cozy place, superfriendly, welcoming and caring people, great workshops where you learn a lot more about Kinbaku than just patterns. If you wanna study Naka Style / Semenawa in Berlin, this is the place to be. Highly recommended also for bottoms!
One of the best places in Berlin fo study Kinbaku at, great teachers ,cozy yet kinky atmosphere and a lot of knowledge and passion to ropes and human connection. Suitable for both beginners and advanced rope lovers.
Amazing location, professional workshops and teaching, full of events on a side (practice, side lesson, drawing). I can just recommend Discover Kinbaku.
Amazing workshops with an excellent team and impeccable teaching capacities. I have learnt a lot from all of my visits to the studio and definitely recommend them to anyone who is serious about ropes. I would also like to add that this space, including their jam, was so far one of the most queer and women* friendly open rope spaces in Berlin.
Great atmosphere, organization, and transfer of skills. Highly recommended.
Well-structured teaching and a lovely venue, I really enjoyed the workshop of these kinbaku wizards
Nice workshops.....relaxed, friendly, and good handcraft skills....well structured Naka-style-shibari...
I really enjoy their teaching style: Inclusive, specific and practical, inviting reflection and willing to reflect and learn which makes for great teachers, great communication, very warm and inviting atmosphere.
Always a very warm and good atmosphere. And a lot to learn.
A beautiful place and beautiful people, I always had deep experiences with them and the quality of teaching is really high. What I had during the workshops and the meeting there was not only techniques teaching but also the possibility to live my emotions and share them without feeling any kind of shame or feeling judged. Highly recommend for any kind of level. See you there!
In a warm and welcoming atmosphere, you get to improve your rope skills. The teaching is very well balanced between technique, feeling, body awareness, safety and playfulness. Lessons are well structured and there is even a handout to remember keypoints and harnesses 🙂 To sum up, you'll learn loads and have fun at the same time - highly recommend it.
We have entered the world of Japanese Bondage with Discover Kinbaku at their Studio 6x6 a good year ago and have since attended many different workshops. We’ve done some in their standard curriculum, Earth, Water, etc., which really build the couple up in their skill, but also in their understanding of Kinbaku in terms of history and culture in Japan and the “Western” context, the psychological aspects and the many opportunities for personal growth. The ties and elements don’t only increase in complexity, but also in intensity and one's repertoire on all levels increases continuously. From a very early stage, improvisation and tying with the energetical flow is encouraged. Teaching is concise and precise. The experience of the person IN the rope is given as much importance as the one of the person WITH the rope. More than the classes, what became more important to us over the last year, was the community that Natasha and Alexander built and keep building with their enthusiasm for what they are doing. They really inspire. And they bring inspiring teachers from other parts of the world to Berlin to teach and feed their crumbs to the Berlin Kinbaku scene (and also beyond that, as many participants of these events travel a fair bit for them). All such events that we’ve attended have been incredibly worthwhile, deep, dense and… we can only repeat ourselves, inspiring. Thanks much, Natasha and Alexander. We’re looking forward to another colourful year at Studio 6x6.
Very thorough classes with a good energy in teaching and communication. Thank You again.
A very nice and cozy place, the team taking care of it is awesome and welcoming. The room where you practice is very Japanese looking and really ads up to the experience. Great professionals and workshops a must go to place.
A beautiful and special place. The workshops at Discover Kinbaku are no shallow or chaotic fast food, but well thought-of concepts with a learning theory behind it, which doesn't only cover knots and patterns, but e.g. also interpersonal dynamics, communication and the side of the rope bottoms. All in a respectful, welcoming and open atmosphere, and the team has a lot of valuable experience to share. Would love to attend more classes in the future!

Listing to our PODCAST
In a collaborative project with my dear friends Anna Noctuelle and Saara Rei where we share our conversations and stories centred around rope bondage, somatics, and body awareness, offering different perspectives on these practices.
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Natasha's Blog
Welcome to my weekly blog, where I explore a variety of topics related to the body, somatics, and, with a special focus, rope bottoming. I share insights, experiences, and tips to help deepen your understanding of these practices. If you have any questions or a specific topic you'd like me to write about, feel free to reach out—I'd love to hear from you!