A deep-dive into concepts for better Kinbaku with Pedro Cordas

In this semi-private Weekend Intensive, we will get an introduction into the concepts of the extraordinary bondage of Pedro Cordas. We can take a look into his rich knowledge about history, philosophy, and techniques of japanese inspired rope bondage.

This workshop is for couples (of all age and gender constellation) who already have intermediate-advanced experience in Japanese-inspired bondage, and are proficient in tying / getting tied in different, challenging positions, on the ground and in suspension.

Saturday, January 6th, 13:00 – 17:00 || Sunday, January 7th, 13:00 – 17:00

Studio 6×6, Berlin-Moabit


=> Waiting list

1st day: MICRO

We will deepen our knowledge about construction principles for the main harnesses, especially the Gote. How to use rope tension and forces to create different gote for different bodies and different purposes.

2nd day: MACRO

This day will be all about the dynamics of body and ropes. We will learn how to use body movement & “manipulation” to achieve effective predicament or predicamental situations for the person in ropes.

About Pedro Cordas:

My twenty-year obsession with rope started in Tokyo. I frequently travel to Japan to keep alive my passion for rope, studies, and research. Since there are so many rope salons in Tokyo, with so many talented rope people, if one keeps one’s heart and eyes open, one will learn a lot about Japan and its rope culture. This amazing odyssey in kinbaku has allowed me to meet/see/learn from so many great people.

Over the years I have performed and taught in four continents including, Asia, Europe, North America, and Oceania.